Bio Hotels
The food and drinks used come from certified, organic farming. The processing from production to consumption is subject to complete control by state-authorized organic control bodies. Individual exceptions - for example regional specialties or certain drinks - are possible after approval by the association board. These conventional special cases are made clearly visible to guests. Particular value is placed on regional, seasonal products and the shortest possible delivery routes. In the kitchens, practical craftsmanship and natural preparation create visual and, above all, culinary highlights.
Customer benefitIf you are interested in becoming a member of the Bio-Hotels association, please follow the relevant section on the homepage of the standard holder.
You can then also commission Austria Bio Garantie GmbH to carry out the annual review of the "Bio Hotel" specifications. In this case, please submit an application to register your company for "organic gastro certification" (work processes in communal catering facilities - e.g. restaurants, hospitals, canteens, ...), which is a basic requirement for checking the " Bio-Hotel” specifications apply, send to [email protected].
You will then receive further information on registration and the conclusion of the control contract with Austria Bio Garantie GmbH.
The BIO HOTELS aim to only use organic products and (as far as possible) from regional production. In terms of quality, the BIO HOTELS prefer association goods that meet the requirements of Demeter, Bioland or similar standards.
WebsiteContact person

+43 (0) 2262/672213>