

The pastus+ policy has the following principles:

• Higher quality as well as more security and transparency in the production of animal feed through compliance with higher requirements
• Creation of a uniform quality standard for animal feed, which is also recognized by other international quality programs
• Better orientation and more certainty when buying additional feed for farmers within quality programs

For small-structured companies there is the possibility to be certified according to the pastus+ "small quantity regulation". The limit for participation in this regulation is 3,000 t or 6,000 t for several operational functions (e.g. compound feed production and trading).

For small regional manufacturers of feed materials, there is the possibility of integration via the pastus+ small manufacturer regulation. The upper limit for participation is 150 t, participation is possible for operators of grain and oil mills as well as breweries.

Further information regarding system and product certifications according to ISO standards can be found here:

System- und Produktzertifizierung - Quality Austria




Contact person

Catharina ReiterCatharina Reiter

+43 (0) 2262/672213