The AMA-Gütesiegel is officially recognized and provides information about the origin and quality and that it has been independently controlled. The quality requirements are checked on the farms using objective methods by independent, specialized auditors. In conjunction with the (Austrian) national colors, the AMA-Gütesiegel guarantees the traceable origin of the product. This is checked at all stages of processing. The control by the AMA inspectors completes the work steps to 100% traceable origin of the marked products.
Meat from animals that were born, fattened, slaughtered and butchered in Austria may only be labeled with the AMA-Gütesiegel. For milk and dairy products, the animals live on Austrian farms and are milked there. Eggs must be laid on an Austrian farm, sorted and packed here to be awarded the AMA-Gütesiegel.
The AMA-Gütesiegel stands for Austrian production according to strict national law and for the traceability of the origin. All stages of the food chain - from the farmer to the food trade - are integrated into the control system. If possible, the controls are carried out in combination with other programs.
GuidelinesThe guidelines are decided in specialist committees. These are made up of experts from agriculture, processing, trade and AMA marketing. All policy decisions are submitted to a steering committee that represents the social and economic interests of Austrian society (social partners). The guidelines require the approval of the BMLRT.
Website GuidelinesContact person

Agriculture agroVet
+43 (0) 2262/672214>

+43 (0) 2262/672214>