The support community fully represents the unadulterated, originally taught method, and passing it on purely is the top priority of the association. The practice of organic farming methods is the prerequisite for the dissemination of knowledge of the law of life with regard to maintaining soil health as the foundation for the health of plants, animals and humans. Such intensively cared for, lively and therefore healthy soils produce plants which in turn bring health and are excellent food, genuine “living” resources for humans and animals. The approximately 1,000 members are from all federal states and include not only farmers, but also garden owners and idealists; the association's goal of "understanding between town and country" is presented in such a way.
Customer benefitMembers of the funding community have access to advice and training. Soil tests are carried out according to biological and organic standards (slip test). Annual specialist excursions are offered, as well as an annual farmer's internship with specialist lectures. Together with Bio Austria, the support association is part of the representation of interests at the state, federal and EU levels.
GuidelinesORBI member companies use surface compost from manure compost or plant compost, prepare liquid manure and manure by aeration, adding water or EM bacteria and use volcanic rock powder intensively. Membership includes quality assurance according to the Bio Austria standard.
Website GuidelinesContact person

Organic Agriculture Enzersfeld
+43 (0) 2262/672212>