Bio Suisse
Bio Suisse is the umbrella organization of the Swiss 'Bud' farms and owner of the registered 'Bud' brand. The standard itself is defined in the Bio Suisse standard as amended.
Special requirements apply to farms outside of Switzerland that are certified according to Bio Suisse standards. These are briefly summarized here.
BIOSUISSE ORGANIC: Declaration of conformity with the Bio Suisse standards
Declaration abroad and when exporting to Switzerland: BIOSUISSE ORGANIC
Businesses outside of Switzerland that are certified according to Bio Suisse standards may use the designation "BIOSUISSE ORGANIC" as follows:
BIOSUISSE ORGANIC companies can use the “BIOSUISSE ORGANIC” logo to appear externally in corporate communications. The logo may only be used if a valid Bio Suisse certificate is available. The certificate is always binding for the current certification status.
BIOSUISSE ORGANIC products that are intended for export to Switzerland must be labeled “BIOSUISSE ORGANIC” or bear the “BIOSUISSE ORGANIC” logo on containers, delivery notes, invoices, etc. The logo must be used on export containers. The templates are available on the Bio Suisse website.
The guidelines for operations abroad and imported products can be found in the "Website" below under Part V.
If you want to register for a BIOSUISSE ORGANIC certification, which is coordinated by Austria Bio Garantie GmbH, send us an email back to [email protected] with the request to register for the BIOSUISSE ORGANIC certification. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. The data is then sent to bio.inspecta for further processing.
Bio Suisse - Guidelines for the production, processing and trading of 'Bud' products, Part V: Guidelines for companies abroad and imported products:
The core task of Bio Suisse as the umbrella organization for Swiss 'Bud' farms is to promote domestic 'Bud' producers and products. Imports serve to supplement the domestic supply. In addition, Bio Suisse supports sustainable production conditions abroad and helps to further develop organic farming worldwide.
Bio Suisse restricts the Bud labeling of foreign products. The import restrictions are regulated in detail in the Bio Suisse directives on import restrictions.
Contact person

Organic Agriculture Lebring
+43 (0) 3182/40101>

+43 (0) 2262/672213>